
Hello World in Multiple Languages Extravaganza: Powershell

Hello world project extravaganza, the Powershell version.


This repository contains a collection of “Hello World” powershell programs; from the simplest “Hello World” Powershell, in plain text, to a “Hello World” more complex. This is part of a fun and educational project that showcases how to print “Hello World” in different programming languages. The goal is to have a “Hello World” program in every programming language. This project is inspired by the GitHub Hello World project and you can found it in Hello World Extravaganza website.

check out the code

To get started, clone this repository to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/silviotorre/helloworld.git

Getting Started

To run the “Hello World” program navigate to the project directory and run the program. Follow the instructions below to run the “Hello World” . Some info: PowerShell is born as a task automation and configuration management framework, designed by Jeffrey Snover and released in 2006, and now is also a cross-platform task automation and configuration management framework, consisting of a command-line shell and scripting language. Unlike most shells, which accept and return text, PowerShell is built on top of the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR), and accepts and returns .NET objects. This fundamental change brings entirely new tools and methods for automation. PowerShell is open-source software released under the MIT license. Note: there are many frameworks and libraries that use Powershell, in this repo we work simply with Powershell.


Ok, now you are ready to run the “Hello World” program.

alternatively you can:



An advanced version of Powershell “Hello World” program

Here a more complex Hello World program, with module and function to print “Hello World” in Powershell and ps1 file. Main.ps1 script will import the HelloWorld module and then call the Write-HelloWorld function to print “Hello World” in the console. You can add a different “Hello World” output in the Write-HelloWorld function or, for example, you can add parameters or new function to print “Hello World” in a different way.



Extra Credit


Feel free to contribute your own “Hello World” programs to this repository. Simply create a new directory with the name of the programming language and add a file named helloworld. with your implementation. Don't forget to update the README file to include your contribution!




Home of this project

Enjoy and happy coding!