
Hello World in Multiple Languages Extravaganza: Json

Hello world project extravaganza, the Json version.


This repository contains a collection of “Hello World” command-line batch programs; from the simplest “Hello World” Json, in plain text or encoded version, to a “Hello World” more complex. This is part of a fun and educational project that showcases how to print “Hello World” in different programming languages. The goal is to have a “Hello World” program in every programming language. This project is inspired by the GitHub Hello World project and you can found it in Hello World Extravaganza website.

check out the code

To get started, clone this repository to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/silviotorre/helloworld.git

Getting Started

To run the “Hello World” program navigate to the project directory and run the program. Follow the instructions below to run the “Hello World” . Some info: JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format commonly used for representing structured data. It uses a simple syntax to store and transmit data objects consisting of key-value pairs. JSON is widely supported and used in various programming languages and APIs for data exchange. https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaScript_Object_Notation


Get-Content .\HelloWorld.json | ConvertFrom-Json

Alternatively, you can use command line to print in plain text the HelloWorld files as in example below to convert the Json file to a PowerShell object with the ConvertFrom-Json cmdlet and print the HelloWorld property of the object.

Get-Content .\HelloWorld.json | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -ExpandProperty HelloWorld

You can also use the Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet to read the HelloWorld property of the object.

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri .\HelloWorld.json | Select-Object -ExpandProperty HelloWorld
Rest method is also useful to read the **HelloWorldEncoded** file.



Extra Credit


Feel free to contribute your own “Hello World” programs to this repository. Simply create a new directory with the name of the programming language and add a file named hello-world. with your implementation. Don't forget to update the README file to include your contribution!




Home of this project

Enjoy and happy coding!